Teddy Bear Clinic held at Murray County Medical Center

Thirty-two preschoolers from Trinity Lutheran and WonderWorld and additional sixteen in the Trinity afternoon class traveled to MCMC for a Teddy Bear Clinic.

Students received a form to complete as they went through their stuffed animal’s assessment.

Included was a blood sensory activity/magnetic skeleton. The sensory activity featured red water beads for red blood cells, ping-pong ball for the white blood cells and red foam squares as the platelets. The plasma was made from water beads.

The magnetic skeleton gave the students an opportunity to move different pieces of the skeleton around.

In addition, students were given the opportunity to do a Teddy Bear Operation with candy. The Teddy bear had different cut out parts and the students used tongs to retrieve different pieces of candy. Butterfield because of its name, Laffy Taffy for “funny bone”, Swedish Fish for “swimmer’s ear”, Sour Gummies for “sour tummy” and mints for “cold feet”.

From the activity room, the classes moved to room 102 where Emmie explained to them what it’s like to stay in the hospital.

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