Murray County results at State 4-H Dog Show

By Kim Hause, 4-H Program Coordinator

Slayton, MN – The 2018 Minnesota 4-H State Dog Show was held at the State Fairgrounds on September 22-23.  Murray County 4-H members Rebecca Surprenant and Madelyn Vandendriessche, Currie Poco-a-Poco 4-H Club, and Mary McNab, Slayton Shooting Stars 4-H Club, earned trips to state at the Regional 4-H Dog Show held in Nobles County in August.

At state, Rebecca (12th grade) and her beagle Bailey received blue in Showmanship-Open.  Madelyn (ninth grade) and her Australian cattle dog Buddy received Reserve Champion in Agility- Jumpers 2 and Champion in Agility-Senior.  Mary (seventh grade) and her golden retriever Leo received blue in Agility-Beginner and red in Agility-Jumpers 1.

Congratulations on a great showing at state, girls!