Murray County Central Speech team brings home third place trophy

MCC participated in the Speech Meet in Worthington on Saturday, February 4 with 19 teams participating.

There were 18 MCC Award winners

Medal winners:

1st Place: Cameron Kresko-Original Oratory

2nd Place: Emily Kathman-Storytelling

4th Place: Lissette Garza-Humorous

5th Place: Justin Clarke – Discussion; Anna Mathiowetz – Serious Poetry

6th Place: Megan Busman- Great Speeches; Cole Davis-Creative Expression; Cale Engelkes-Storytelling; Maggie Heezen-Serious Poetry; Mason Johnson-Extemporaneous Speaking; Michelle Zenk-Informative

Blue Ribbon winners:

Alyssa Boynton-Extemporaneous Reading

Rylan Behnke-Great Speeches

Jack Pierson -Discussion

Martina Thunder Hawk-Informative Speaking

Red Ribbon winners:

Cole Ahlers/Faith Bose-Dramatic Duo

Jake Bleyenberg-Humorous

Team Sweeps:

1st place trophy- St. Peter, 102 points

2nd place trophy-Tracy-Milroy-Balaton, 50 points

3rd place trophy-Murray County Central, 47 points