Murray County Central placed in top three schools in Southwest Minnesota


By: Rebecca Hudson

Murray County News Staffwriter

The Murray County Central school board Monday night ratified the master agreement with the education association retroactive to the 2015-16 school year. The two year contract reflects a settlement that moves toward salary increased based on a performance schedule rather than longevity or years of service.

Superintendent Joe Meyer reviewed the changes in the new contract that include a lane steps at $1,500 increments.  Also included is an increase in the base rate of co-curricular pay to $4,500, increase of the summer hourly pay rate to $25.00, an annuity increase of $100 per year of service. According to Meyer, negotiations went well and overall it was a smooth process.

Secondary principal Jacob Scandrett, the school’s MCA test results prove to be once again positive and place the district in the top three schools in the southwest part of the state.  Scandrett reviewed  the results with the board, noting that the state requires a school district to prove proficiency in performance, growth, achievement and graduation.

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