Megan Howell joins Murray County Pheasants Forever


By Norma Dittman

Murray County News Staffwriter

Megan Howell has been working with Murray County Pheasants Forever since October 3, 2016.

Howell said that she spent the first half of her life in north central South Dakota and the other half in central and north central Iowa. She is a graduate of Garner-Hayfield High School, Garner, Iowa.

“I attended North Iowa Area Community College in Mason City, Iowa, and received an associate’s degree in business management and entrepreneurship,” Howell stated. “I also attended Iowa State University in Ames, Iowa, and received by bachelor’s degree in Animal Ecology.

Howell has held two  different positions at the Iowa department of Natural Resources. She worked as an upland research technician where she conducted research involving pheasant behavior and worked with human imprinted chicks to determine the accessibility of food in various habitat plots. She also conducted population monitoring surveys for pheasant, quail, prairie chickens, jackrabbits, and deer, as well as working with fisheries to monitor lakes in the area.

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