By JoAnn Biren
Murray County News Staffwriter
Mary Beech wasn’t in her office from April 29 through May 1, instead she was attending the Minnesota School Counselor’s Association (MSCA) annual conference at Madden’s on Gull Lake in Brainerd. In the course of the conference a banquet was held and Beech received an award that speaks volumes to those who know first-hand the work she does with the young people at MCC; she brought home to MCC the Secondary School Counselor of the Year Award!
The web site of the MSCA states the vision for school counselors; to actively promote excellence in the profession of school counseling by providing the leadership, advocacy, support and resources needed to instill student success in school, home and the global community.
Beech knew she was going to receive the award, the nomination process took place earlier in the school year; the person who nominated her was a colleague from Mankato and letters of recommendations were needed in the nomination process. And yet, even in the knowing, the specialness of the award presentation wasn’t lost on Beech. To top it off, she was selected to represent Minnesota at the National Conference that will be held in Washington D.C. in February, 2019. “For the past two years, Michelle Obama has hosted the national awards program, I can only hope!” she said with her ever present smile. “It is pretty exciting,” she said with sincerity.
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