By: Sheila Crowley
Murray County News Staffwriter
As parishioners enter the Good Shepherd Lutheran Church in Lake Wilson, they are greeted with a smile and a little southern charm. Pastor Harlan Kaden is making himself right at home in the little rural community. “Both my wife and I were raised on farms so we are right at home here,” commented Kaden. “We are a couple of farm kids who are glad to be back in a rural area.” Part of his charm is the way he presents himself as a ‘fine’ southern gentleman although, according to him, his accent isn’t actually southern but rather more Missouri.
Although a little far from his beginnings, Kaden is excited to be leading this church. “I want to be an asset to Good Shepherd…not only Good Shepherd but also Lake Wilson and not only Lake Wilson but to Murray County,” commented Kaden.
He, himself, grew up in a rural area outside of Monroe City, Missouri. This is an area near where some of Mark Twain’s adventures often took place. Kaden loves to tell stories and claims this may be because some of Mark Twain rubbed off on him. In turn, he loves to hear people’s stories and be a part of their lives.
He was 26 when he graduated from seminary. When asked what drew him into the profession, Kaden, shared a story about a time in his life when he was quite depressed following a breakup. While fishing Kaden had a conversation with the Lord regarding his future and it was at that time he said a sense of peace resonated through him.
A little leery at first, Kaden made the decision to change schools and prepare for seminary. “I prayed to the Lord and said I’ll go to this church school and if things go well after one year, I’ll sign on for another,” chuckled Kaden. He attended one year at the University of Missouri then St. Paul’s College in Concordia, Missouri – Lutheran Church Missouri Synod establishment. Following this, Kaden furthered his education at Concordia Senior College in Fort Wayne, Indiana. Upon completion of four years of college, he signed on to attend four years of seminary at Christ Seminary Seminex.
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