Kindergarten class pays it forward

By: Sheila Crowley

Murray County News Staffwriter

Last May Mrs. Harm’s kindergarten class at Murray County Central was the recipient of eight wobble chairs last May. The gifting of the chairs was a result of the Classes4Classes, an online non-profit that makes it possible for a class in one school to raise money to benefit another class elsewhere in the country. The only stipulation is that class will, in turn, pay it forward.

This is exactly what Mrs. Harm’s class recently accomplished. In conversation with Mary Homan, Harms learned of needs of the kindergarten class at Susan B Anthony in Sioux Falls.

Sarah (Homan) Wiebelhauss is a former graduate on Murray County Central. In conversation with her mother, Mary, regarding how the kindergarten class liked their wobble chairs there was the discussion on the needs her daughter’s kindergarten class were trying to address.

Mrs. Harms thought wouldn’t it be nice to be able to gift another class where there are MCC ties. “I also knew my class would get excited about getting things for another kindergarten class,” shared Harms.

Instead of going on the Classes4Classes website to try and find another class to pay it forward to, Mrs. Harms reached out to an organization to receive their blessing on gifting Wiebelhauss’ class. It was granted and soon fundraising began.

When deciding on the fundraising project, Mrs. Harms needed to take into consideration the item needed to be something kindergarteners could sell.

Mrs. Harms enlisted the services of her husband to create MCC pop sockets. These devices are attached to the back of cell phones and allow the user to pop them out to make it easier to ‘selfies’ as well as a better grip on their phone along with serving as a stand.

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