St. Paul, MN – Taking full advantage of using technology as a teaching tool was the focus for educators Jessica Daberkow, Kim DeLong, and April Johnson from Murray County Central High School who recently participated in BestPrep’s Technology Integration Workshop (TIW) through sponsorship provided by the KAHR Foundation. This professional development opportunity helps educators enliven their lessons by utilizing technology and workplace skills, and has been a successful program of BestPrep for the past thirteen years.
BestPrep partnered with the University of St. Thomas Opus College of Business to host 81 educators from 47 schools across Minnesota. The four-day workshop ran from August 1-4 and gave educators the opportunity to hear from experts in the field of educational technology as well as take part in small group breakout sessions which focused on their technological needs. Digital Assessment Tools, 3D Printing, Virtual Reality and Google Apps for Education were among the topics discussed. Participants also brought a unit plan they wanted to modify, and with the help of a Technology Integration Specialist, developed a technology infused unit plan to bring back to their school this fall.