Jottings by Jerry – October 31

It was a few days of hunting pheasants at Leblanc’s Rice Creek Hunting & Recreation near Little Falls, Minnesota. There were plenty of pheasants and a lot of ground to cover. Mostly it was a gathering of good friends doing good things. There were sporting clays and successful field hunt. The rest was just catching up on things that are important and necessary. This past weekend was spent duck hunting in the mornings and pheasant hunting locally in the afternoons. The ducks are a little scarce but the pheasants are there if you work for them. The corn is still coming out and the end is in sight. Deer hunting starts this coming Saturday and will last nine days. Fall is a good time to be outside without bugs.

Your choice for public office needs your support on Tuesday, November 6. The election process works best if we all show up at the polls. Let’s make a difference.

Does there seem to be more leaves this year? Raking is getting to be a chore. Grinding them with the mower and loading them up helps if it is dry. Waiting for them to blow away is an option but then you have the neighbors gunning for you.

Happy Halloween. Watch for the little goblins. They live on candy. I’m talking kids not candidates. It’s their night to shine and the weather will be tolerable.

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My Old Aunt Says

There ought to be a support group for

Women who can’t put their dishes in

the dishwasher dirty.

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Have a good week.