Jottings by Jerry – October 24

Two long weeks before the election and then we deal with endless fallout. No doubt life will go on as normal as can be.

The harvest has been in full swing for over a week and there is an air of accomplishment. The forecast is for rain Wednesday but that too can be dealt with. Yields have been generous but the market price is lagging.

My hunting season has not been much to brag about but the lunch is good. There has been some modest success talked about but it should get better. Both pheasant and duck season is in full swing with plenty of opportunity to enjoy the outdoors.

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At my granddaughter’s wedding reception, the DJ polled the guests to see who had been married longest. It turned out to be my husband and me. The DJ asked us, “What advice would you give to the newly married couple?”

I said, “The three most important words in a marriage are, ‘You’re probably right.’”

Everyone then looked at my husband. He said, “She’s probably right.”

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My old Aunt says

A recent survey found that

One out of three men are

just as stupid as the other two.

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Advice is what you ask when you already know the answer but wished you didn’t.

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Have a good week.