Jottings by Jerry – October 10

The weather has been difficult for our farming community. Long days of drizzle with cool temperatures aren’t helping. Frost has been noted locally and there is a promise of more to come. Trees are turning, the leaves are starting to fall and the year goes on. Our excessive rain is nothing compared to those suffering the wrath of a hurricane like Michael. They may prefer it to a three-day blizzard.

Our weather promises our first hard freeze Sunday night. It’s something we always hope is several weeks away. The good thing is it means no more mowing endless grass. There are plenty of good days left this year and we need to enjoy them. It’s the country we choose to live in. Yes, the word snow is in our future.

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Tommy had reached school age. His Mom worked hard to make him enthusiastic about the idea. She bought him lots of new clothes, told him of the new friends he’d meet, and so on.

The first day of school, he eagerly set off. When he came back home he had a lot of glowing reports about school!

Next morning his Mom woke him up saying, “Tommy, it’s time to get ready for school.”

Tommy said, “What? Again?”

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“Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending.”

– Carl Bard –

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Our Old Aunt says

The grass is always greener

Where the dog poops.

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Have a good week.