Jottings by Jerry – November 28

I’m not against cold weather but I would have liked to put it off awhile. It seems to be colder than normal or it’s affecting me a little more every year. There will be no tears about it unless I have to start shoveling it.

We have one Christmas party under our belt so far this season and another this weekend and then a rest. The last one will be in January and what happens in between is up for grabs. Thanksgiving was nice and the weather was cooperative. The weekend has a possible weather threat much like last week’s scare. It is the season, Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, Cyber Monday and whatever Sunday was, are over. Deals were made and had. The election is history. Now we can enjoy Christmas. Keeping it simple, easy and relaxed with an eye on what the season is about. It’s your family, your friends, and your religion. Yes, there is the pretty lights, holiday treats and warm cozy drinks. Presents, don’t forget the presents. My list is short, both of them, the ones I want to give and the ones I could hope to receive. I know it’s all about giving, but one can have a small wish list. When the season ends we will have to deal with the New Years Resolutions. This all seems like it’s going nowhere and that’s the point. It is the journey and how we travel it.

Talking to a local character, he said that he was a little late with his Christmas decorations. He attempted to put a stake in the ground but couldn’t, so he drove a big nail in but it wasn’t big enough. Then he bought a large bolt and drove that in the ground, it required a wrench to turn it out. He did get his lights up but fell victim to the cardinal sin of Christmas lights. He hadn’t checked to see if the lights worked before installation.

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My Old Aunt Says
Old is when your friends compliment
you on your new alligator shoes
And you are barefoot

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“Fearless, hope more… Whine less, breathe more… Talk less, say more… Hate less, love more… And all good things are yours.”   – Swedish Proverb –

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Have a good week.