Jottings by Jerry – March 29

If Monday was any indication of the Spring, we will have a great season. Little wind, warm, in the sixties, and most of our birds back from the migration. What a day. It’s a joy to be here. With a good rain this week everything will look better.

The Murray County Ducks Unlimited will have its spring banquet on April 22 to raise awareness and money for ducks which will benefit all wildlife. It’s an opportunity to share a good time with like minded folks.

I have some extra work this spring with grass. I lost a lot of it since last spring and summer. Most of it is in the shade areas and the heavily used areas. I’m thinking about putting a few pavers for paths in the yard and finding a durable shade loving grass for the rest. I’m doubtful about finding that most suitable grass seed. I will let you know about any success.

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Smith was always tired. After a while, he became known in the office for dozing off at his desk, sometimes even several times a day. Granted, he had a good reason. His wife had just had twins and he didn’t get much sleep at home. But his boss was having none of it. He told Smith that if he was caught sleeping on the job one more time, he would be fired.

That same week, the boss decided to make a surprise visit at Smith’s desk, to see if the situation had improved. You can imagine what happened next, he found Smith asleep.

But Smith was a quick thinker. He woke up just in time, remained in his position and calmly delivered the following line that saved his job: “… and I especially thank you for my excellent boss. Amen.”

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Have a good week!