We made it through last week and now we can worry about rain on our snow which will cause problems with roofs and the frozen ground. It will be yet another trial in this unusual winter season. No doubt we will be rescued by a beautiful spring that will set everything right. I will admit that the extra hour did do a little good on the melting issue or maybe it’s just a coincidence. The next week will have above freezing temps for the days and several nights if we can escape damage from flooding. Wet basements and worn out sump pumps will be the norm.
I spent part of the weekend widening the walkways, trimming the snow bank back a little and scratching the ice off the walk. I failed miserably. It’s all there yet but sometime in June, nobody will know. My effort wasn’t wasted but was not productive. There will be an accounting of my time and I’m happy for the nice days.
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When I was eight my Dad was taking me to see a movie. On the way there I asked him if he would buy me some gum. He said, “No, you don’t need any.”
After arriving at the theater and taking our seats, Dad changed his mind. He told me it would be okay for me to have some gum and he was going to get it.
I spoke up and said, “You don’t need to buy me gum anymore, Daddy. I found some under the seat.”
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My Old Aunt Says
Some Easter advice. The bigger the bonnet
The smaller your butt looks!
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Have a good week.