A good old blizzard has visited our corner of the world. Good or bad, it was a whiteout. The pace of life slowed to working at home, or tackling those long put off jobs (like cleaning the closets). Most businesses were closed. The temperature stayed under the freezing point so we missed most of the ice before the snow. The snow was ample and when the wind quits we will know better how much there is. Monday was lost to the storm and Tuesday was spent moving the snow. Snowmobile riders will finally have their time.
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Two women, who are dog owners, are arguing which dog is smarter.
First woman: “My dog is so smart. Every morning he waits for the paperboy to come around and then he takes a newspaper and brings it to me.”
Second woman: “I know.”
First one: “How?”
Second one: “My dog told me.”
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“The most wasted of all days is one without laughter.”
– E. E. Cummings –
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Have a good week!!