Jottings by Jerry – January 16

Warm weather, above 20 degrees, makes most everyone’s outlook better after a cold spell, which is usually defined as zero or below. You take your happiness where you get it. Weather does affect our everyday strain of getting older. This season, winter has given us a generous sampling of most it has to offer. Deep snow has been missing so far but we have a ways to go yet.

The government shut down is starting to drag on everyone and there seems to be a total lockup on both sides of the issue. It’s been suggested that it could be a good time to start a new government. That would be interesting, but a bad choice. Most of ours works most of the time. It’s a difficult time and hopefully will soon improve. Fortunately, our local governments can’t shut down as easily. or can they?

The threat of a snow event is forecast or threatened for the end of the week. It’s time for a little more snow to keep up our Frozen North image. We will deal with the snow as always, but we can complain.

A loss due to a fire is always a tragedy and when it’s a public building it can be worse. There was no one in the Ellsworth City Hall when it was on fire Tuesday morning and all the necessary items were saved. The unexpected burden of finding or building new quarters will strain the city budget.

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The other day my wife started a conversation with a weird question…


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My Old Aunt Says

Dance like no one is watching,

Email like it may one day be read aloud.

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Have a good week.