Jottings by Jerry – December 11

Two weeks until Christmas. We are comfortable sitting here with another couple inches of snow freshening the Christmas scene. A little wind for artistic value, and occasional fog for mystery and the pending storm excitement gives us continued daily drama to perk up our lives. It’s so much better than knowing that tomorrow will just another nice day like all the rest. The cardiovascular workout, strengthening the core body and improving your balance while relocating snow replaces the boredom of a stationary bike. There is a long list of benefits achieved by living the good life of a Minnesota winter. Will the last one leaving turn out the lights, please.

The Parade of Lights last Saturday in Fulda was favored with decent weather. Santa made an appearance in Fulda, Dundee, Slayton, Lake Wilson, and Heron Lake Saturday and will be in Brewster, Hadley, and Currie this Saturday. The old boy is busy this time of year. The joy of live Christmas music performed outside in the crispness of the evening air is always welcome. Be aware of your local events that offer much joy to all of us.

Your shopping list should be whittled down by now. If not, it will be easier to decide because the selection is less. Good thinking, you might be added to another list.

The season will advance at an escalated pace that will soon be over. Make the memories now that will carry you through the coming years if we are so blessed. Enjoy the season

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Forget about the past, you can’t change it.

Forget about the future, you can’t predict it.

Forget about the present, I didn’t get you one.

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Have a good week.