Jotting by Jerry – January 31

January, with its warm and cold days, the deep snow that requires days to move and the long cold nights was as good as it gets. In a few short months we will remember it as the good times. February will be the same but shorter. The super blood blue moon you may have read about and unless you were up before dawn on Wednesday you missed it. It’s been over one hundred and fifty years since the last one. The super part is that it is larger because it’s closer to earth at this point in its orbit. Blood, because of its unusual tinted color. Blue because it’s the second full moon in the month. It will be a long time before this combination will happen again.

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The names for the wedding photos in last week’s Bridal supplement are: couples on page 15 – Travis and Emily Brown, Adrian; Troy and Brenda Wehking, Fulda; Steve and Laurie Wieneke, Lismore; and Wally and Midge Johlfs, Fulda; couples on page 16 – Janell and Clayton Leopold, Heron Lake; Dale and Elaine Ruesch, Fulda; Richard and Grace Hector, Ellsworth; Dean and Shirley McNeal, Fulda; and Paul and Joyce Henning, Okabena.

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Life is like shaving… No matter how many times you do it well, you still have to do it again tomorrow.

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Have a good week!!