By Emily Kathman
Murray County News Sports
Last Tuesday September 27 the MCC/Fulda cross country trip stayed at home for the MCC Invitational. It was a beautiful day for running at the Slayton Country Club, and to kick off the meet was the junior high girls one mile run. Chelby Kesteloot completed this race with a time of 8:08.
The next race of the evening was the junior high boys one mile run. It was a Rebel victory in this event with Maverick Beckmann coming in first overall with a time of 6:36. Following Maverick was Abel Piper, of Fulda with a time of 7:42. Dante Damm was the next junior higher to cross the finish line with a tie of 7:56. The next two Rebels crossed in 37th and 38th place. Ryan Risacher ran a time of 8:05 and Rylan Engelkes ran a time if 8:11. Finishing things up for the Rebels was Isaiah Kathman. He crossed the finish line with a time of 9:13.
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