The Court Queen of Peace met Feb. 16, 2019 beginning with Mass at 9 AM with 30 members present. A lovely Valentine brunch followed hosted by Jean Hentges, Lee Crowley, and committee. Regent Joyce Risacher called the meeting to order with prayer and the flag pledge. Father Thien Nguyen encouraged us to take time to find God’s love in all that surrounds us.
Financial secretary reported 70 members with about I/3 of the dues paid. Thank you’s came from our sister court in Medford, Fr. Pick, and seminarians Matt Wagner and Matt Nordquist, for the Christmas gifts.
Committee reports included Marcie Cowan who invited everyone to the Shadow Stations of the Cross performed by 10th and 11th graders on March 20 at 7 p.m. at St. Ann’s with a supper to follow. Joanne Halbur and Rita Lear volunteered to help with that.
Kelly Nelson, JCDA (Junior CDA) spokesperson, reported 15 girls ages 6-18 have indicated an interest in becoming members and have met a couple of times.
Joanne Halbur, spiritually chair, reminded the daughters to send a note to their Confirmation and 1st Communion prayer partners.
Marilou Christensen, speaking on behalf of the Giving Tree Project, questioned whether or not to offer it again next year. The consensus was to collect hats, scarves, and mittens, offer them at church and donate the remains to the Christmas Tree Project.
Barb, legislative chair, spoke primarily about the issues surrounding the abortion issue and that the decision may be sent back to the individual states to decide.
New business included a donation to the Food Shelf to take advantage of matching funds.
Evonne Sievert will be retiring as State Regent. In light of that and remembering that she is the “Hat Lady” those going to the state convention in Rochester in May should bring their hat along to salute her. A group picture of our court will be sent as well. A donation was made to Covenant House Crisis Care for Children, her favorite charity.
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