Commissioner Moline stepping down


By JoAnn Biren

Murray County News Staffwriter

Heading into the fall of 2016 might be a good time to look back at the recent Murray County Fair and find out what Commissioner Robert Moline has to say.  Why Moline?  It was during the 2016 Murray County Fair that this writer found out that  Commissioner  Moline would be stepping down from his position on the fair board; making the 2016 his last as a member of the board.

Moline explained that once you are elected a commissioner in Murray County you automatically become a member of the fair board.  “When I ran for commissioner four years ago I said I wanted another four-year term and was re-elected,” he explained.  He plans to keep his promise as he is stepping down from the position of commissioner also.   “At the end of 2016 I will be retiring as a commissioner which will also mean my term on the fair board will be done,” he explained.

Moline has long been a proponent of the local fair and has supported it long before becoming a county commissioner.  He was a member of the fair board, according to him, “approximately 12 years before I became a commissioner.”  He took the place of Case Vos who was serving as the livestock superintendent at the time.

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