Final Score
51 – 51
Staff – Students
726 – 802
after bucket totals added
Game Totals
Cale Engelkes haircut $1,242
Staff bucket $675
Student Bucket $751
Other Fundraisers $3,354
includes Twins tickets auction, Vikings tickets auction, FFA donation, Coin Wars @ West Elementary, MHS Coin Wars, ‘Hats on for a Cure’, ‘Crush for your Crush’, open AP, ‘Let’s Lick Cancer’ sucker sales, T-shirt sales, K-Kids donation, and concessions
Grand Total $8,031
Thanks to all who donated hair!
Jessa Gillette, Joley Schmahl, Joelle Hellewell, Emmi Peltola, Krystyna Betz, Cassandra Scandrett, Chole Olivier, Marina Kremer, Paige Wichmann, and Ava Johnson