Are you looking for infant care? I love babies. Willing to care, love and cherish your baby(ies). Lots of experience, very reasonable and no charge if you aren’t there. 101 Louisiana Ave., Adrian, MN 507-329- 2455. A-2-1
KRUGER PAINTING Exterior/Interior Painting, water blasting, taping, texturing, wallpapering, wood finishing, steel buildings,3 Aerial Trucks, fully insured since 1981. Call (507) 967-2496 or cell (712) 470-5711. A-rtc
B & J Fire Extinguisher Sales and Service. All types of fire equipment available for residential, farm, business, day care, fire department and rescue services, ambulance, and trucking. 24 hour emergency service. Call 507-360-9104 or 507-827-2154 *A-rtc
HANDGUN SAFETY CLASSES: Meets MN concealed carry requirements. Classroom and range training. Experienced past police firearms instructor. Law enforcement officer with over 47 years on the job. Private or group sessions. For more information call: 507-360-9104, Bill Burzlaff, Adrian, MN 56110.
BACKHOE WORK WANTED: For all your backhoe services call Curt Vaske at 507-472-8785. A-rtc