Celebrating the freedoms we have from those who served, the 2nd District of the American Legion family held a day of fun last Wednesday, June 22. Residents from the Luverne Veterans Home were transported to East Side Acres, on the shores of Round Lake, for pontoon rides, fishing and a picnic lunch.
“It’s a great day to get out and enjoy the fellowship with everyone,” explained Duane Mabon, Volunteer Services Coordinator at the Luverne home. Working together with Ryan Hill, 2nd District Legion Commander, the day was planned for the residents to enjoy. “And the weather is perfect,” Mabon added that day.
The weather wasn’t planned, but couldn’t have been planned any better as light winds and somewhat cooler temperatures made for an ideal day on the shores of the lake. Residents were joined by Legion, Auxiliary, Sons of the American Legion (SAL) and Junior Auxiliary members from 13 counties in southwestern Minnesota.
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