2016 MCC Grad Au Pair (domestic assistant) in Sweden


By JoAnn Biren

Murray County News Staffwriter

By the time a high school student is in their junior year, if not before, friends and family wonder, and ask often, ‘What do you want to do when you graduate?’  Murray County Central 2016 graduate Madison Gillette thought she had the right answer when she would respond, “I’m going to attend SDSU and obtain a nursing degree.”

That’s not what happened though.  Somewhere along the line the idea of more schooling didn’t look that appealing to Madison, Maddy to her friends.  She admits she had thought the idea of becoming a nanny might be an avenue to pursue, but then again?

“I had always thought that doing something like this would be fun, however I never thought it was something I would ever have the guts to do! But once I thought about it I knew I had to do it and see where it would take me.”

Her parents didn’t think it was such a bad idea either.  “When I told my family they were very supportive!”  Having mom and dad back you in your adventure is always a plus!

Mom and Dad are Greg and Jodi Gillette who live in the Lake Wilson area.  Maddy has also been surrounded by grandparents and aunts and uncles when she was growing up so moving away from family might have been an obstacle if she hadn’t had the support.

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