Jottings by Jerry – November 9


   The beautiful fall weather gave us a very comfortable deer hunt this past weekend. No freezing in the stand waiting for your chance to see a deer. Saturday was almost to hot to be out there but we were and I had my chance and blew it. It was a 65 yard shot that should have been easy but I missed. I told myself it was too hot to be handling fresh meat. Sunday was a little cooler by a degree or two but when I got a second chance I was willing. I heard the rustle of leaves behind me below my stand. I moved my head slowly around the tree expecting to see the fawn that had been around but I got a glint of polished horns and froze. The buck was walking real easy less than ten feet behind my tree. I thought he would wind me but he had no indication of the kind as he crossed our tracks. I kept thinking about Saturday’s screw up and didn’t want that again. He was still easing threw the woods when I picked my shot at eight yards. It was a clean instant kill thru the neck and he dropped in his tracks. We had him field dressed, hauled out, loaded in the truck, registered, back to Fulda, hung up, home and showered, dressed and made Brandon, SD by noon. It was a small six point buck, not a trophy, but okay.

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   Johnson and Svensen were flying an airplane when the engine conked out. They decided to bail out so Johnson jumped first. His chute opened and he was sailing down with ease. Svensen jumped out but his chute wouldn’t open. When he passed Johnson, quick as a flash Johnson started unbuckling his chute straps, remarking, “Oh, you want to race, do you”

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    There are three ages of man: youth, middle age, and “Gee, you look good.” -Red Skelton

Have a good week.

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