Giese wetland preservation area dedicated near Talcot


“If we don’t preserve the wetlands, there won’t be anything left.” This quote was once said by John Giese, and his legacy will live on with the dedication of a Waterfowl Production Area (WPA) located near Talcot Lake.

The former Murray County Commissioner was an avid hunter and fisherman, and a very passionate advocate of wildlife and habitat conservation. Giese passed away in 2014, and the WPA was dedicated in his name and memory on Saturday, October 1. He was a strong wildlife advocate and a founding member of the Friends of Windom Wetland District. He was a charter member of the Buffalo Ridge Ducks Unlimited and Oak Ridge Gobblers of the National Wild Turkey Federation.

The 320 acre WPA includes approximately 55 wetland acres and 200 restored upland acres, in addition to 70 acres of native prairie land, which have been grazed or hayed, but never plowed.

Family members unveiled the stone and plaque following the dedication at the Giese Waterfowl Production Area located near Talcot Lake. The plaque is inscribed with: “This area is named in honor of conservation advocate John Giese, a founding member of the Friends of Windom Wetlands. Friends members are committed to community stewardship of the Windom Wetland Management District through preservation, restoration, promotion and education. John served with passion and dedication to protect and restore our natural resources.”

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