Fulda and MCC students learn the weight of words


By Norma Dittman

Murray County News Staff Writer

Thursday was a day that will long be remembered by the students of Fulda High School and Murray County Central. During the morning hours, Fulda High School students came together for an assembly. Murray County Central students came together for the same presentation that afternoon.

At the assemblies, communicator and artist, Eric Samuel Timm delivered messages that captured the attention of those in attendance as he focused on character development that included integrity, respect, healthy choices, responsibility, trustworthiness and adversity.

He warmed up his audience by finding out where the 7th grade through senior students were sitting in each gymnasium. And then he talked about dogs, encouraging the students to “bark” (on the count of three) if they liked big dogs. He told the students that he owns an American Bulldog that weighs 110 pounds.

As the laughter calmed, Timm stated that he loves watching television, especially the history channel.  Timm presented a painting that he had created to the history teacher at MCC, Mr. Harms, of Abraham Lincoln.

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