What fun we had with our ‘Blind Date With a Book’ at the Slayton Public Library! There were 54 books wrapped with a hint of what they might be about on the outside. We had seven books left unwrapped at the end.
Patrons were asked to read the book or their choice and fill out a ‘rate the date’ slip which entered their name for a drawing. Jean Rice was our winner! Thank you to the Hut and the Plaid Moose for donating prizes for our event.
A few quotes from our ‘Blind Date With a Book’ participants when asked the ‘most memorable moment of their date’:
• The love and warm feeling you experience reading this book about “seniors”. Very appropriate for me to understand at present with my dad. They still have some much to give.
• Comparing the other Alcott books to this one I also became interested in the author herself and ended up researching her.
• It was interesting, kept me wanting to read on. I loved him going undercover to help his horses and reading what he saw and learned.
• Too much to learn about flowers and plants on a first date.
To read the rest of these quotes – pick up a copy of this weeks Murray County News or subscribe to our e-edition at http://eedition.murraycountynews.net/sub/account_login.asp.