Jottings by Jerry – December 19

Just a few more days until Christmas. Tuesday, the day that seemed so far away, is Christmas. The joy the day brings. The season is to be shared. Those of us at the paper wish you a very Merry Christmas. May you and your family enjoy the season and share the love.

Our weather for the holidays looks like it will hang around the freezing mark that could give us some interesting driving. Christmas Day currently has moisture at this point but no doubt will change one way or the other. The Winter Solstice is this Friday and we reached the turning point and from then on the days will slowly be longer. The warmth will follow in a few months.

Our family will gather a little early on the weekend and share a meal and enjoy the day. It does get a little busier each year juggling everyone’s schedules, but most will be able to make it. I have most things decided for the gift thing, just a few things to tie up and or wrap up.

Your list of New Year Resolutions should be getting lengthy by now, but no worry there is still time to tweak or in my case start one. I have little success with lists at this time of year. I do, like everyone else, have lofty goals but they usually don’t all start with a list at the beginning of the new year. If the idea is worthwhile it can be started immediately.

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My Old Aunt Says

Swollen ankles,

Nature’s own Stocking Stuffers

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Have a good week.