A very Victorian Christmas to be celebrated at the Dinehart Holt House

The Murray County Historical Society invites everyone to join in the fun for the “Very Victorian Christmas!”  Holiday Open House at the Historic Dinehart Holt House in Slayton. The event will be on Sunday, November 11 from 1:00-4:00 p.m. and is Free and Open to the Public.  This event features a house full of decorated trees thanks to volunteer organizations, businesses, and individuals. Hot apple cider and Christmas goodies will be served.

There will be horse-drawn sleigh rides again this year from 1:00-4:00 p.m. provided by Foggy Meadows Farm. This is a fundraiser for the historical society. Rides are $5.00 for adults and children five and over. Children under five are free. To observe the special Veterans Day, Veterans ride free as well!

The fully decorated house will be open and on display throughout the Holiday season for tours during regular museum hours.  It also a wonderful time to plan a Holiday gathering at the house. Non-profit organizations can rent the home for a donation. Private parties pay on a sliding fee scale.

The Victorians created Christmas as we know it today. Many favorite holiday traditions began in that era, from an ornately decorated tree to Christmas cards and caroling. This year’s Holiday Open House will celebrate all that is elaborate about the Victorian era.

For more information contact: jtimmerman@co.murray.mn.us or call 507-836-6533.