Martin Luther – The Life and Lesson


By: Rebecca Hudson

Murray County News Staffwriter

It began as a special collaboration between two scholars: uncle and nephew, each bringing a unique aspect to the project.  The final product is a unique and thoughtfully constructed book entitled, Martin Luther – The Life and Lesson.

Curt Peters and Larry Mansch, both natives of Slayton and alumni from the local high school, are both accomplished authors with numerous published books to their credit including a family history book and several historical biographies.  But when the two focused their efforts on co-writing about Martin Luther, the end product resulted in a unique book unlike others published on the subject.  “You usually get a biography or a collections of essays,” Peters says, “but in this book there are both.”

Mansch, the book’s biographer, pitched the idea of the project to his uncle five years ago.  “He’d always wanted to do a writing project together,” Peters says.  And with the 500th anniversary of the Reformation looming in 2017, the book’s concept began to form.

The two did not want to duplicate what had already been done and so they decided upon a biography of Luther’s life that also would include a set of essays about the man’s views on various topics.  Mansch researched extensively Luther’s life while essayist Peters used his keen ability to put into words Luther’s philosophical beliefs in essay format.

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