Jottings by Jerry – June 6

We had a little rain, around a half inch that made life a little nicer. The corn is at six inches in height and life is readjusting. More rain is welcome. The weekend was nice but windy.

The weekend project was rebuilding a stone wall that had collapsed last year. It seems to have gained a lot of weight since I originally put it up years ago. The two-day project should only take a week. It is less than three feet high and about twenty feet long but I only need to work on half of it. We joke (shame on us) that Louise “Trump” is instigator of the repair project. That left me paying the price of installation. Then we decided it wasn’t that funny. We did continue with working but didn’t finish. I will try this week.

The boss attempted the art of cooking with wine, but after five glasses she couldn’t remember why she was in the kitchen.

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“Look, Charlie,” the coach said, “you know the principles of good sportsmanship. You know the Little League doesn’t allow temper tantrums, shouting at the umpire, or abusive language.”

“Yes sir, I understand.”

“Good, Charlie. Now, would you explain that to your father?”

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I believe the right girl for me is out there, in some corner of the earth…

But unfortunately, the earth is round.

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When paying a compliment, don’t expect to get any change.

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Have a good week.