We have all cussed the snowplow driver or the city in general and they do deserve it. Plowing me first should be their priority. Something about fire lanes, evacuation routes, businesses and coffee shops gets in the way. We all want to be out on the street right away. It will never change. The view from the plow is no different. John Q Public is always in the way or his vehicle. Everybody gets a little stressed. Cleaning the end of the driveway three times after each snowstorm isn’t fun. Plowing around a vehicle is no picnic either. Last weekends record-setting snow didn’t help the feeling that the world is against us. Me particularly. Life will get better after yet another snowstorm midweek. Will this be the last one or will we be digging through the snow to see if the tulips bloomed in May? It’s been a long winter.
I have been feeding the birds during the last several storms and there is a lot of them. They have been eating a five-gallon bucket of dog food, sunflower seeds and cracked corn plus all our bread and three pounds of raisins. We have had Yellowhead and Redwing Blackbirds, Robins, Doves and most everything with wings. They need the help right now.
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Church sign :
The fact that there’s a highway to hell and only a stairway to heaven says a lot about anticipated traffic numbers.
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I told my friend that my wife and I had a huge argument and she left for the Caribbean.
“Jamaica?” he asked.
“No,” I replied, “she went of her own accord.”
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“Most folks are as happy as they make up their minds to be.”
– Abraham Lincoln –
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Have a good week!!