Mike Wohnoutka, author/illustrator from the Twin Cities area visited Slayton on Monday.
In his bio Wohnoutka reminices about always wanting to be an artist. His dad, who was an engineer at the highway department, would bring home reams of paper that had highway plans on one and blank on the other. Wohnoutka filled each sheet with race cars, snowmobiles, baseball players, super heroes – everything he was interetst in.
In high school his art teach, Mr. Chase, encouraged him to pursue art as a career. However, he never aniticipated his love for art would one day provide him a career.
Wohnoutka spoke with elementary students at Murray County Central on Monday morning. He shared a simple drawing incorporating objects like squares, rectangles and circles. He took it one step further and drew in eyes and hands.
Wohnoutka shared how he illustrates a book. Initially he will look at the characters and try to visualize them. Then Wohnoutka begins sketching trying to capture what he believes to be their personalities. Once the sketches are done, which can take up to six months, they are given to his editor for approval. Often times he will have to make adjustments before the final color paintings can be done.
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