By JoAnn Biren
Murray County News Staffwriter
Tommy Huso was having a great time after school on Tuesday, April 25. He, along with a number of other youngsters from West Elementary, were busy gearing up to fill 1,500 May Baskets. Yes, 1,500. Young Huso knew exactly what May Day was. “You have a basket of candy and you take it to someone, ring their doorbell, and then try to get away before they can spot you!” he explained of the day that at one time had every child in Slayton running from door to door in their neighborhood leaving surprises. Back in the day, you knocked on the door and did run, because the basket had been dropped at the front door of a boy or girl and the recipient of the basket was to run after the giver and give him/her a big kiss. It should be noted, some ran faster than others.
May Day lost some of its sparkle in recent years, not politically correct? Whatever the reason, the elementary school in Slayton is right in the thick of things with the K-Kids spearheading a resurgence of May Day excitement. And, of course, candy! On Tuesday afternoon they were busy filling, not baskets, but baggies with the coveted candy.
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