MapleStreet Band – sharing their music and talents

By Norma Dittman

Murray County News staff writer

“By doing what you love you inspire and awaken the hearts of others. – Satsuki Shibuya

Doing what they love and inspiring the hearts of others is what Maple Street Band seems to be all about. “It all started with a backyard camp fire,” band member Alex Carney explained. “The ending was the beginning.”

Dr. Greg Wasberg gave a slight smile and said, “When my divorce was final, I moved next door to Miron (Carney). Music was so very important. I needed it to cope with loss. I had always wanted to write music and started doing that. Alex had said to his dad, Miron, ‘we should go over and play guitar with him.’ “

Playing guitar together soon became an every Friday-night-during-the-winter-months jam session  in the basement of Carney’s house.

The following year, Greg’s son, Tyler, and Miron’s son, Alex, joined their fathers in what was known as “the Dad Band”.

“You never know when writing music,  if it will be pleasing to others, but you quickly learn that it is good when you like it  and it’s great when the guys you play with like it!” Greg shared.

Tyler and Alex had an established history of playing together when they became a part of the Dad Band. They had played together at Murray County Central in a band named Curb Runners Anonymous. They had also been on  tour in Europe with Minnesota Ambassadors of Music.

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